Ice Hockey Rules & Regulations

I.                     Game Length/Ice Time

a.       Games will be approximately 1 hour long

b.       4 minute warm-up.  Warm-up clock to start immediately upon resurfacing gates closing.  6:15 means 6:15. Puck will drop.

c.       Three 17-minute running time periods.

                                                               i.      If goal difference is 2 or less, the game clock will be stopped on whistles in the last two minutes of the 3rd period.  Otherwise it will be running time.

d.       One minute intermission breaks between periods.

e.       Game Times are 6:15p, 7:15p, and 8:15p

f.        No players on ice until Zamboni doors are closed


II.                   Standings

a.       The winning team will be awarded 2 points.

b.       Games tied at the end of the third period teams will use a 3 player shoot out with the home team determining who shoots first.  Teams will alternate shots in penalty shot fashion.  If after 3 players have completed shooting and still a tie, team will have a sudden death shoot out.  Each team has an equal number of shooters.  Players won’t be able to be used twice until all players have already been used.

                                                               i.      1 point awarded for Overtime loss.

c.       Tie breaker for standings will be…

                                                               i.      Points

                                                             ii.      Head-to-Head Record

                                                           iii.      Head-to-Head Goal Differential

                                                           iv.      Overall Goal Differential


III.                 Playoffs

a.       Playoffs – TBD (Tentatively set for Feb-Mar)

b.       Single Elimination

c.       Overtimes will be 4 on 4 for five minutes.  If still tied, a shootout will occur – 3 rounds minimum of each team getting one shot at the goalie.  First team to have 3 goals or more with at least a one goal lead at the end of the round wins.


IV.                General League Rules

a.       All players must be paid in full before playing in their first game.

b.       All players must be 18 years of age or older and not be participating on JV or High School teams.

c.       Team jerseys must be worn for games.  Team Captains will provide each player with a jersey for the season.

d.       Each team will consist of roster that is approved by Willmar Parks & Rec and Captains prior to the season beginning.

e.       Rosters will be considered final upon the start of the season and cannot be added to without approval of the team captains.  If a player is suspended, no single player can be added to the roster.

f.        Captains may ask for consideration from the league to replace a rostered player if the reason for replacement is considered to be a legitimate health concern, player moving, or other special circumstances.  The replacement roster player skill level must be equal to or less than the player being replaced and be approved by all captains and the league commissioner.

g.       Teams must have a minimum of 7 skaters and one goalie to start a game or the game will be considered a forfeit.  The one hour ice time will still be available for the teams to scrimmage if a forfeit occurs.

h.       Teams will be allowed a maximum of three substitutes on their team per game.  These substitutes must be from another team in the league.  No outside players are allowed to play.

                                                               i.      Any team with 10 or more rostered skaters and a goalie may not have any substitutes.

                                                             ii.      If a team has 7 rostered skaters, up to 3 substitutes are allowed.  If a team has 8 rostered skaters, then 2 substitutes are allowed.  If a team has 9 rostered players, then only 1 substitute is allowed.

i.         No substitutes are allowed for playoffs.

j.         Each rostered player will be required to sign the Willmar Parks & Rec waiver form before they can play.

k.       Equipment

                                                               i.      Each player will be required to wear skates, helmet with properly fastened chin strap, gloves, and shin guards, and to have a stick

                                                             ii.      Recommended equipment, but optional, is mouth guard, cage, shoulder pads, elbow pads, breezer pants and cup.

l.         The player bench is reserved for rostered players and/or substitutes that have signed the Rec waiver form only.  Ejected players may not come back to the bench.

m.     No refunds will be given to players ejected from the league.

n.       Captains must meet before the start of the game with the officials.


V.                  General On-Ice Rules – USA Hockey Adult Classification rules govern all play in league.  Below is a list of common rules but this is not intended to encompass the entire rulebook for USA Hockey Adult Classification.

a.       Icing will be from Red line.

b.       Offsides will be tag up.

c.       Two line passes are legal.

d.       Slap shots are not allowed to be taken with the stick above the knee.  All illegal slap shots result in a minor penalty.  This includes fake slap shot with stick above knee.

e.       One time out per game per team is allowed.


VI.                Penalties/Suspensions

a.       Tripping, hooking, high sticking, elbowing, interference, and other rules typically used in USA Adult Hockey will result in a 2 minute penalty.  All penalties are at the discretion of the referee.

b.       No checking or rough play.  Checking constitutes shoving or pushing with arms, shoulders, hips, or any other part of the body in an attempt to knock the opposing players down.  This will result in either a 2 or 5 minute major penalty depending on the determination of the referee.

c.       Three minor penalties in a game on the same player will result in ejection for the remainder of the game.

d.      Three minors on a goalie and that team will forfeit the game.

e.       Two major penalties in a season and the player is suspended for the season.

f.        Any blatant attempt to injure another player will be cause for an immediate ejection and a 5 game suspension.  A second offense occurring in one season, the player will be ejected from the league.

g.       Fighting – Any player fighting will be ejected from the current season.

h.       Arguing with officials will not be tolerated!  USA Hockey provides disciplinary procedures to address any abuse of officials.  These procedures include but are not limited to the following progression of penalties:

                                                               i.      2 minute unsportsmanlike penalty

                                                             ii.      10 minute misconduct

                                                           iii.      Game misconduct (result will be 1-5 game suspension upon review)

                                                           iv.      Game misconduct – second offense – results in calendar year suspension

i.        If a player doesn’t serve his penalty and leaves the bench, the player will serve a two game suspension

j.         No players are allowed to address the officials after the game in a negative manner or to go into the officials’ locker room: risk – having a game misconduct penalty and suspension.

k.       No players, other than team captain, may address the officials during the game.


Bold = enhancements made to USA Hockey rules specifically for Willmar Parks & Rec Adult Hockey League